Any citizen may address the board at any regular meeting during the designated period called "Public Comment". Persons wishing to speak before the board either as an individual or as a member of a group are requested to limit their comments to five minutes.
Board Meeting Etiquette
The only time members of the audience may address the board during a board meeting is during the "Public Comment" period. Flash photography is only permitted during special recognition. Audience members are requested to turn off cell phones and to leave the room to carry on conversations.
The Average Meeting
School board meetings vary in length. When discussing personnel, disciplinary or other confidential matters as determined by the Illinois School Code, the board may move into closed session.
A Typical Board Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order
- Welcome
- Pledge to the Flag
- Roll Call
- Communications
- Approval of Consent Agenda
- Old Business
- New Business
- Public Comment
- Board Member Comment/Future Agenda Items
- Adjournment