Educational Philosophy
The Carrollton Community Unit #1 Board of Education believes that innovation and change in education-- both content and methods-- are necessary for meeting the needs of our youth as they face life before them.
They also believe that education is best achieved when students become involved in experiences meaningful to their lives in today's world. They believe that the educational process should develop a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment.
They further believe education should develop habits, attitudes, understanding and skills necessary for a productive, satisfying life in civilized society. Each child should be helped to understand the duties and privileges of responsible citizenship as it relates to him or her as an individual and to the world community.
Educational Goals
The basic goals of all instruction in District #1 shall be to provide programs designed to fully develop each individual's capabilities and, therefore, encourage voluntary use of learned skills. This major premise supersedes the following goals which are all intertwined and will help to define performance objectives for learners. Their letter goals express:
A- the quest for quality,
B- reaching for the ideal,
C- the seeking of reality in education.
They include, but are not restricted to the following:
1. Provide opportunity to develop in each learner the skills needed for communication, perception, evaluation, and conceptualization of ideas. Among the most important are reading, writing, speaking, listening, computational skills, and problem solving.
2. Provide an environment which helps students, parents, and other community members develop a natural desire for lifelong learning and develop the skills necessary to fulfill that desire.
3. Contribute to the learner's physical and emotional well-being; especially to a sense of adequacy, self-worth and a capacity for influencing one's own destiny.
4. Provide opportunities for each learner to develop creativity and special interests, to discover and develop natural talents, and to express values and feelings through various media.
5. Provide experiences and guidance which help students develop the skills and attitudes necessary for the world of work and vocational success; it is even more important for the learner to develop a capacity to adapt in a changing world.
6. Provide an environment which brings about appreciation for the positive attitudes toward persons and cultures different from one's own.
7. Provide equal educational opportunities so that every person in the district shall receive a quality education.
8. Provide opportunities for each learner through success to man's cultural heritage, stimulation of intellectual curiosity and promotion of intellectual development to effectively use knowledge.
9. Provide each learner with the experiences necessary to develop knowledge and understanding of how our society functions in theory and practice resulting in positive habits that foster individual commitment to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and the protection of the rights of others.
10. Provide each learner with the experiences necessary to develop knowledge and understanding of the social, physical, and biological works and the balance between man and his environment and develop attitudes and behavior leading to intelligent use of the environment.
11. Provide opportunities for students to solve problems and develop practice in critical analysis and problem solving techniques based on fact.